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ページ番号:0011063 更新日:2023年11月2日更新

To keep yourself safe from traffic accident

To keep yourself safe from traffic accident (PDF:941KB)

Summary of "New Illegal Parking Control System"

Summary of "New Illegal Parking Control System" (PDF:98KB)

Application For a Japanese Driver's license From a foreign license

Application For a Japanese Driver's license From a foreign license (PDF:73KB)

Measures against huge earthquakes

Measures against huge earthquakes (PDF:647KB)

To Live a Life in Japan

To Live a Life in Japan (PDF:2.42MB)

For crime victims and the parties concerned

For crime victims and the parties concerned (PDF:446KB)

To parties involved in a traffic accident

To parties involved in a traffic accident (PDF:546KB)

Use 「110」properly

Use 「110」properly (PDF:275KB)

(編集 総務課(広報係)

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